, pub-3479180076230703, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Ahisma Gem and Shell Necklace | devi-healing-arts
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Ahimsa, meaning do no harm, was the guiding principle of Mahatma Gandhi. Hamsa hands are symbolic reminders and are also warn as hands of protection. To me our hands are perhaps our most profound tool. When used positively, they give, touch, reach, create, mold, speak (ASL), embrace, carry, protect and so much more. The Hamsa hand reminds us that we have the tools to protect, empower, and give generously  to ourselves and others. 

Each necklace is made from gemstones, abalone or mother of pearl shell. They come on an 18” chain.

Ahisma Gem and Shell Necklace

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